
来源:澳门新葡萄新京6663 发布时间:2015-04-09


报告题目:Damage Prognosis: the future of structural health monitoring
报告 人:Professor Huapeng Chen, University of Greenwich, UK
主持 人:余岭/马宏伟 教授
时   间:15:00 PM, 周四, 2015年4月9日
地   点:蒙民伟理工楼615教室
Management of aging civil infrastructure systems has recently become a grand challenge for engineers. Without proper management of aging civil structures, the failure of these infrastructure systems could have a major economic impact. Structural damage diagnosis is a useful tool for in-service damage detection for structures concerned and is a key element of strategies for condition-based maintenance of aging civil infrastructure. However, the related and yet unsolved question is how to fully utilize the monitored information for assessment of structural safety. Damage prognosis, as a natural extension to damage detection problem, aims to estimate the evolution over time of detected damage and predicted condition, thus allowing the prediction of future performance of deteriorating structures.
 In this seminar, a new damage diagnosis based on dynamic perturbation theory will be discussed with several case studies. The influence of measurement uncertainty will be investigated and regularization methods will be introduced to reduce the influence. A reliability-based damage prognosis will then be presented to predict the future performance, estimate the remaining useful life and optimize the maintenance strategy for deteriorating structures during the service life.
 ABOUT THE PRESENTOR - brief biography:
Dr Hua-Peng Chen is a Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Greenwich, UK, after having studied at Imperial College and received PhD from the University of Glasgow. He has been working for some 20 years on structural health monitoring, performance assessment and infrastructure management. He is the author of over 100 peer-reviewed international journal articles and conference papers, and currently leads a research team in Smart Infrastructure with over 10 researchers. Dr Chen has frequently served as a member of editorial boards, guest editor for special issues, organiser of mini-symposiums, chair for international conference sessions, peer reviewer for journals, speaker for invited presentations, and organiser for workshops.